T&T Industrial Court Orders Caribbean Airlines Pilots To Return To Work

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The Industrial Court of Trinidad and Tobago has granted an injunction to Caribbean Airlines, ordering the carrier’s pilots back to work.

The court order follows severe flight disruptions due to a pilot sickout.

The court granted the injunction against the Trinidad and Tobago Airlines Pilots Association (TTALPA), after Caribbean Airlines made an application on Monday.

The order prevents the TTALPA president, executive members and their agents from taking or continuing to take or participate in industrial action, including calling in sick en masse.

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The airline is currently negotiating with the Trinidad and Tobago Airline Pilots Association over a collective agreement for 2015-2016.

Disruptions in Caribbean Airlines flights left hundreds of travellers in the region and overseas stranded.

The airline blamed Sunday’s disruptions on ‘cockpit crew constraints’.

According to reports, pilots called in sick approximately three hours before flight departures.

Caribbean Airlines said it received calls from 75 pilots between August 19 and 20, 2023, each indicating they were unwell and unable to report for duty.

The carrier disclosed that the situation caused the airline to cancel over 60 international and domestic flights.

Caribbean Airlines operates more than 600 weekly flights to destinations in the Caribbean, North and South America.

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Article source: https://airlines.einnews.com/article/651326899/k0R6cyvDXQApuxFP?ref=rss&ecode=vaZAu9rk30b8KC5H


Author: Avio Time

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